Split Air System: HVAC Parts & Units : Central Split Air Conditioning - East Providence, RI

Buy RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA From Supplier In East Providence, RI

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Cost To Ship RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA : $185.00

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Submittal Sheet, Installation & Operation Manuals For RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA

Currently no manuals available for this product. Please check product description or call our sales support team if you have any further queries.

How to choose the right Central Split Air Conditioning, will RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA work for me?

Use our automated tool that will help determine btu's need based on size and other variable factors that effect heating and cooling of a room.

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What would it cost to repair RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA

If you are looking for Air Condition Repair Technician that serve in and around East Providence for installation, repair and service, here are some certified professionals in your neighborhood:

Average cost to repair RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA - Air Conditioners With Heat :

Depending on the issue you are having with RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA (whether its low on refrigerant or if the compressor quit working for example), it can range from $50 service call to $500 on repair cost.

Typical cost to install RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA - HVAC AC & Split Systems :

Based on your geographical location and depending upon how many contractors in town are competing for your job, this can typically range from $500- $1100 per room basis.

Cost of Maintenance for RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA :

Typically maintenance cost on RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA is minimal, it may only need cleaning on monthly basis. Unless you need air filters that can range from $10-$100 in some cases depending upon brand and availibility.

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Product Reviews On RPNL018JAZ RHLLHM2417JA


8,922 Reviews
4.6 out of 5 stars

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

4-star Mitsubishi - 24k Btu 20.5 Seer Sep 26, 2016

Thanks for the opportunity to share my experience. I'm still involved with the installation that I am doing myself. Most is pretty straight forward but this is my 1st so I'm taking the time to learn. I was pleased with the delivery and all arrived undamaged except for the two part exterior chase. It was not wrapped in anything and appeared very dirty and scratched. It appeared to me an afterthought during loading and was left to bounce around the Bobtail truck floor and probably tossed... more

Susan J.
4-star Wonderful! Does It Come In Black? Aug 14, 2016

So far so good. I love how quiet the units are and they are doing a very nice job controlling the temperature in our space. But my wife would have loved it if the indoor units came in a darker color. Could there be color options? Just a suggestion.

5-star Rhfe-1004fta-w-p Aug 11, 2016

Rinnai EnergySaver ES38W Gas Fired Direct Vent Wall Furnace, LP, White - 36,500 BTU, 7-State Modulating gas valve, modulating blower, programmable thermostat, self diagnostic. Unbelievable difference in this like day and night highly recommend to anyone.

H Warner
5-star Purchased 36k Btu Quad Units Mar 30, 2016

10/21/14 - I purchased the 36000 BTU quad zone with 1-18K BTU , 1- 9K i-see BTU & 2 - 6K BTU indoor units, the salesperson - Kevin K. was excellent, he answered all my questions and went above & beyond to make sure my price compared to other sites were matched. He was so great that anytime I called ecomfort.com, I only asked for him and placed my order with him over the phone. I also sent Family & Friends to deal with him only... I did my research before contacting ecomfort, I... more

5-star Homeowner Sep 13, 2016

Mounting hardware (included) made product easy to install. Self venting makes product simple to use; best feature was company stood behind product. When radiator began to leak after 2 years, ecomfort replaced radiator for free.

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